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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Who else wants to reduce their accent? Expand vocabulary, build confidence, learn English, fast

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1.       Aa (ey) as in Alfa (al-fuh)
2.       Bb(bee) as in Bravo (brah-voh)
3.       Cc(see) as in Charlie (chahr-lee)
4.       Dd(dee) as in Delta (del-tuh)
5.       Ee(ee) as in Echo (ek-oh)
6.       Ff(ef)as in Foxtrot (foks-trot)
7.       Gg(jee)as in Golf (gawlf)
8.       Hh(eych)as in Hotel (hoh-tel)

9.       Ii(ahy)as in India (in-dee-uh)
10.    Jj(jey)as in Juliet (joo-lee-uht)
11.    Kk(key)as in Kilo (kee-loh)
12.    Ll(el)as in Lima (lee-muh)
13.    Mm(em) as in Mike (mahyk)
14.    Nn(en) as in November (noh-vem-ber)
15.    Oo(oh) as in Oscar (os-ker)
16.    Pp(pee) as in Papa (pah-puh)
17.    Qq(kyoo) as in Quebec (kwi-bek)
18.    Rr(ahr) as in Romeo (roh-mee-oh)
19.    Ss(es) as in Sierra (see-er-uh)
20.    Tt(tee) as in Tango (tang-goh)
21.    Uu(yoo) as in Uniform (yoo-nuh-fawrm)
22.    Vv(vee) as in Victor (vik-ter)
23.    Ww(duhb-uhl-yoo) as in Whiskey (hwis-kee)
24.    Xx(eks) as in X-ray (eks-rey)

25.    Yy(wahy) as in Yankee (yang-kee)
26.    Zz(zee) as in Zulu (zoo-loo)

Compare and Contrast

Bet (bet)
Bed (bed)

Boat (boht)
      Bought (bawt)

Bolt (bohlt)
Bold (bohld)
Bald (bawld)

Irregular nouns
1.       alumnus(uh-luhm-nuhs)
2.       alumni(uh-luhm-nahy)
3.       analysis(uh-nal-uh-sis)
4.       analyses(an-l-ahyz)
5.       appendix(uh-pen-diks)
6.       appendices(uh-pen-duh-seez)
7.       axis(ak-sis)
8.       axes(ak-seez)
9.       bacterium (bak-teer-ee-uh m)
10.    bacteria(bak-teer-ee-uh)