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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

SAVE ENGLISH--After 9 years and 22 countries, American English is ready.

April 24, 2018: Los Angeles, California: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

The Hollywood tutor has been teaching accent reduction at a Hollywood café for the last nine years using American English.

Now a GoFundMe campaign has been started to raise funds to help format and publish this 315-page book entitled The Hollywood Tutor’s American English.

From basic sounds to conversations, for beginners to the advanced, the book has been engineered to work at different levels with multiple exercises and a wide range of current topics.

Reading American English aloud is designed to activate all the voice muscles in the mouth and larynx removing restrictions to sounding clearer and being more exact. This will reduce your accent quickly.

With easy to use phonetic guides that help to clarify and make English sounds more understandable the book follows a natural progression from basic sounds to words to sentences.
Students are often amazed and surprised when they learn to pronounce words with silent letters. The book presents many specialty groups and dialogues including baseball, citizenship, basketball, the home, soccer, nutrition, the job interview, exercise, swimming, antonyms, astrology, automobile parts, technology, medical, and corporate slogans.

As an author, the time has come to wrap it up and publish. It took nine years to finish. This campaign is to raise $1000 to finish the book with proper formatting for both print and electronic editions. Students from all over the world have used this book with remarkable results and have asked me to publish it. Personally, I could work on it for another ten years. And there are gifts too, for $30 a Skype American English lesson, for $40 a paperback copy, for $100 a copy shipped worldwide, for $101 receive 3 one-hour Skype lessons.

The Hollywood Tutor available live or Skype
Contact 323 377 8298


Friday, April 20, 2018

Directional and Action terms: Help publish:

1.7     Directional and Action terms

Visitors and drivers often get confused about directional terms. I asked a student who had been driving for a year if she knew what the word yield meant, she said, “speed up? “

Stay alert when driving and don’t drive and text. Yield means, let the other driver in, they have the right of way.

Exercise 1: Repeat the words below aloud.
Exercise 2: Create a simple sentence for each word.

1.       Action (ak-shuhn)
2.       Alongside (uh-lawng-sahyd)
3.       Aside (uh-sahyd)
4.       Back (bak)
5.       Backward (bak-werd)
6.       Behind (bee-hynd)
7.       Chop (chop)
8.       Clap (klap)
9.       Coast (kohst)
10.    Crept (krept)
11.    Cuddle (kuhd-l)
12.    Cut (kuht)
13.    Dive (dahyv)
14.    Down (doun)
15.    Drag (drag)
16.    Dust(duhst)
17.    East (eest)
18.    Edged (ejd)
19.    Elbow (el-boh)
20.    Feel (feel)
21.    Flick (flik)
22.    Focus (foh-kuhs)
23.    Forward (fawr-werd)
24.    Frisk (frisk)
25.    Front (fruhnt)
26.    Go (goh)
27.    How? (how)
28.    Hug (huhg)
29.    Jump (juhmp)
30.    Left (left)
31.    Less (les)
32.    Limped (limpd)
33.    Massage (muh-sahzh)
34.    Maybe (mey-be)
35.    Montage (mon-tahzh) (mawn-tazh)
36.    Mop(mop)
37.    More (mawr)
38.    No (Noh)
39.    North (nawrth)
40.    Nudge (nuhj)
41.    Paced (peyst)
42.    Pan (pan)
43.    Pat (pat)
44.    Ped-Xing (pedestrian crossing)                                 (puh-des-tree-uhn) (kraw-sing).
45.    Pinch (pinch)
46.    Polish(pol-ish)
47.    Punt (puhnt)
48.    Push (poosh)
49.    Reverse (ri-vurs)
50.    Right (rahyt)                             
51.    Rub (ruhb)
52.    Scour(skou-er)
53.    Scrub(skruhb)
54.    Shift (shift)
55.    Shove (shuhv)
56.    Shuffled (shuhf-uhl)
57.    Sideways (sahyd-weyz)                                                                                                                                                                           
58.    Signal (sig-nl)
59.    Sit-down (sit-doun)
60.    Slowdown (sloh-doun)
61.    Sometimes (suhm-tahymz)
62.    South (south)
63.    Squeeze (skwiz)
64.    Staggered (stag-erd)
65.    Standup (stand-uhp)
66.    Start (stahrt)
67.    Stop (stop)
68.    Stroke (strohk
69.    Stroll (strohl)
70.    Sweep(sweep)
71.    Swerve (swurv)
72.    Tap (tap)
73.    Tickle (tik-uhl)
74.    Tip toed (tip-tohd)
75.    Tottered (tot-erd)
76.    Trudged (truhj)
77.    Up (uhp)
78.    Veer (veer)
79.    Waded (weyded)
80.    Wash(wosh)
81.    West (west)
82.    What? (hwuht)
83.    When? (hwen)
84.    Where? (hwair)
85.    Why? (hwahy)
86.    Wipe(wahyp)
87.    Yes (yes)
88.    Yield (yeeld)


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

American English Tutoring Services, Learn better pronunciation, Get more work and respect, ESL, Confidence, Success

American English Tutoring Services: Study in Los Angeles with a native speaker from New York

·      Learn better pronunciation, read English easier.
·      Business English. Get rid of the accent.
·      Special technique, with amazing results.
·      Get more work and respect.
·       (1 student): SPECIAL PRICE


Call/text 323 377 8298
For All levels + conversational fluency + Business English + Formal Grammar + Affordable + Convenient + Safe + Dynamic


With more than 200 exercises, 50 different specialty word lists and 20 American English dialogues Including

·        American Citizenship Dialogue
·        American Greetings
·        Going grocery shopping
·        Learning how to play poker
·        Motorcycle police officer
·        Ordering at a Delicatessen
·        Ordering at a Pizzeria
·        Ordering at a yogurt shop
·        Pitching a Hollywood screenplay
·        Requesting a Mortgage refinance
·        Shopping at the Flea market
·        Shopping at the Florist
·        Taking a taxi
·        Taking Metro
·        The Job interviews
·        Visiting a Plastic Surgeon
·        Visiting a Post Office
·        Visiting Hollywood sites
·        Visiting the Beauty salon
·        Visiting the car mechanic
·        Visiting the Emergency room
·        Writing a cover letter

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

           Here’s a riddle. How many things can be interconnected to the internet? The answer is infinity, and the IoT (the internet of things) is going to provide that infinite network. It will be a network of sensors including RFID (radio frequency identification) tags, barcodes, passive tags, active and GPS enabled active tags that are both intelligent and can communicate with one another. This essay will review two current definitions of IoT as well as examine two IoT applications and investigate some of their advantages and disadvantages.

         The definitions of the phrase the internet of things usually combine the ideas of smart sensors with growth and human interaction. For example, one of the most popular cutting-edge computer content publishers writes, “the internet of things revolves around increased machine to machine communication; it’s built on cloud computing and networks of data gathering sensors,” it’s mobile, virtual and instantaneous connection; and they say it’s going to make everything in our lives from streetlights to seaports smart.

          So What Is the Internet of Things? Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and to each other). This includes everything from cell phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearable devices and almost anything else you can think of. Here is my definition, the IoT is a phrase used to describe how things containing RFIDs (radio frequency induction devices) connect to the internet digitally and provide information and control applications.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Difficult words: American English

  • Cajole(kuh-johl): v., Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering.
  • callous (kal-uh s): adj., v., Emotionally hardened, heartless, unfeeling, uncaring, cold, cold-hearted.
  • calumny (kal-uh m-nee): n., A false accusation of an offense.
  • camaraderie(kah-muh-rah-duh-ree): n., The quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability.
  • candor(kan-der): n., The quality of being honest and straightforward.
  • capitulate (kuh-pich-uh-leyt): v., To surrender under agreed conditions.
  • carouse(kuh-rouz): v., n., To engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking.
  • carp(kahrp): v., n., Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae.
  • caucus (kaw-kuh s): n., v., To meet, to select a candidate or promote a policy.
  • cavort(kuh-vawrt): v., To play boisterously.