1.7 Directional and Action terms
Visitors and drivers often get confused about directional terms. I asked a student who had been driving for a year if she knew what the word yield meant, she said, “speed up? “
Stay alert when driving and don’t drive and text. Yield means, let the other driver in, they have the right of way.
Exercise 1: Repeat the words below aloud.
Exercise 2: Create a simple sentence for each word.
1. Action (ak-shuhn)
2. Alongside (uh-lawng-sahyd)
3. Aside (uh-sahyd)
4. Back (bak)
5. Backward (bak-werd)
6. Behind (bee-hynd)
7. Chop (chop)
8. Clap (klap)
9. Coast (kohst)
10. Crept (krept)
11. Cuddle (kuhd-l)
12. Cut (kuht)
13. Dive (dahyv)
14. Down (doun)
15. Drag (drag)
16. Dust(duhst)
17. East (eest)
18. Edged (ejd)
19. Elbow (el-boh)
20. Feel (feel)
21. Flick (flik)
22. Focus (foh-kuhs)
23. Forward (fawr-werd)
24. Frisk (frisk)
25. Front (fruhnt)
26. Go (goh)
27. How? (how)
28. Hug (huhg)
29. Jump (juhmp)
30. Left (left)
31. Less (les)
32. Limped (limpd)
33. Massage (muh-sahzh)
34. Maybe (mey-be)
35. Montage (mon-tahzh) (mawn-tazh)
36. Mop(mop)
37. More (mawr)
38. No (Noh)
39. North (nawrth)
40. Nudge (nuhj)
41. Paced (peyst)
42. Pan (pan)
43. Pat (pat)
44. Ped-Xing (pedestrian crossing) (puh-des-tree-uhn) (kraw-sing).
45. Pinch (pinch)
46. Polish(pol-ish)
47. Punt (puhnt)
48. Push (poosh)
49. Reverse (ri-vurs)
50. Right (rahyt)
51. Rub (ruhb)
52. Scour(skou-er)
53. Scrub(skruhb)
54. Shift (shift)
55. Shove (shuhv)
56. Shuffled (shuhf-uhl)
57. Sideways (sahyd-weyz)
58. Signal (sig-nl)
59. Sit-down (sit-doun)
60. Slowdown (sloh-doun)
61. Sometimes (suhm-tahymz)
62. South (south)
63. Squeeze (skwiz)
64. Staggered (stag-erd)
65. Standup (stand-uhp)
66. Start (stahrt)
67. Stop (stop)
68. Stroke (strohk
69. Stroll (strohl)
70. Sweep(sweep)
71. Swerve (swurv)
72. Tap (tap)
73. Tickle (tik-uhl)
74. Tip toed (tip-tohd)
75. Tottered (tot-erd)
76. Trudged (truhj)
77. Up (uhp)
78. Veer (veer)
79. Waded (weyded)
80. Wash(wosh)
81. West (west)
82. What? (hwuht)
83. When? (hwen)
84. Where? (hwair)
85. Why? (hwahy)
86. Wipe(wahyp)
87. Yes (yes)
88. Yield (yeeld)
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