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Thursday, November 12, 2015


1.16             Antonyms 1

Learning opposites makes languages easier.

Exercise 1: Recite each word aloud, going across the row.
Exercise 2: Create a sentence for each one.

1.             increase                                                                               2.             decrease
3.             inhabited                                                                             4.   uninhabited(un-in-hab-i-tid)
5.             inferior                                                                                 6.             superior
7.             inside                                                                                    8.             outside
9.             intelligent                                                                            10.          stupid

Metric conversions: Weights, Measurements (metric), American Currency & Time

Numbers 3: Metric conversions: Weights, Measurements (metric), American Currency & Time

Exercise 1: Practice saying the list out loud.
[= (equals)]

One pound (lb.) = (equals) 16(sixteen) ounces (ounsez) (oz.)
One Metric Ton (tuhn) (mt) = 1,000 kilograms (kgs) = 2,205 Pounds (lbs.) = 1.1 American Tons (tuhn) (t)
One ounce (ounse) (oz.) = 28.35 grams (g)
One inch (in) = 2.54 centimeters (cm)
One foot (ft.) = 12 inches (in) = .3 meter (m), (three tenths of a meter) or decimal (des-uh-muhl) point three.
One yard (yahrd) (yd.) = 3 feet (ft.)
One mile (mahyl) (mi) = 5,280 feet = 1.6 kilometers (ki-lom-i-ters) (kms.) = 1,760 yards

Cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and Wedding Anniversary stones

Numbers 1:  Cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and Wedding Anniversary stones

Exercise: Recite each word aloud, project your voice to the back of the room. Go down the columns and then across. Take a deep breath.

Cardinal number
Wedding Anniversary

Ordinal number

Two (too)

American Greetings

1.10             Dialogue 1: Standard American Greetings and basic questions. (partial dialogue)

Exercise 1: Practice until they are easy. The first of many dialogues, practice these basic greetings.
Exercise 2: Distinctly recite each series of greetings and responses aloud. Then switch characters and try again and again until it flows.

Alex: Hi, how are you?
Tom: Fine, my name is Tom, nice to meet you.

Pete: What s’up?  What’s the matter for you? Where are you from?
Alex: Cleveland (kleev-luh). Hello, good morning. How you feeling? Better?

Pete: Better. Jet-lag. Where’s the coffee? What time is it? What do you do?
Alex: It’s seven in the morning. The coffee is in the back. I’m your tour guide, remember? Here’s my card.

Compare and Contrast

1.9     Compare and contrast 1

Compare (kuhm-pair) and contrast (kuhn-trast). These words are often confused.
Exercise 1: Practice until they are easy.
Exercise 2: Create a simple sentence for each word.

Bet (bet)
Bed (bed)

Boat (boht)         
Bought (bawt)

Bolt (bohlt)         
Bold (bohld)
Bald (bawld)


1.8     Colors: Visible light

This is a partial list of colors which list includes familiar colors as well as colors from the tapestry of America. I'm sure in later editions I will have little holographic paint chips but until then you might want to look up colors you don’t know. During lessons I'd often look up many different colors like chartreuse and magenta.  

Exercise 1: Recite each color out loud.
Exercise 2: Create a sentence for each color.
Exercise 3: Research each color, frequency and origins.

Almond (ah-mond)
Apricot (ap-ri-kot)
Aquamarine (ak-wuh-muh-reen)
Auburn (aw-bern)
Augusta green (aw-guhs-tuh green)
Avocado (av-uh-kah-doh)
Azure (azh-er)

Directional, Navigational and Action terms

Directional, Navigational and Action terms

Visitors and drivers often get confused about directional terms. I asked a student who had been driving for a year, if she knew what the word yield meant, she said, speed up?

Stay alert when driving and don’t drive and text. By the way, yield means, let the other driver in, they have the right of way.

Exercise 1: Recite the words below aloud.
Exercise 2: Create a simple sentence for each word.

Action (ak-shuhn)
Alongside (un-lawng-sahyd)
Aside (uh-sahyd)
Back (bak)
Backward (bak-werd)
Behind (bee-hynd)
Chop (chop)
Clap (klap)
Coast (kohst)
Cuddle (kuhd-l)
Cut (kuht)
Dive (dahyv)