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Thursday, June 23, 2016

The verb: to go

Verbs: to go
In Hollywood we are always on the run, these are the conjugations for the verb: to go. Breaks over, back to work.
Exercise 1: Practice saying the sentences out loud.
Exercise 2: Create your own sentence.

I, we, you, they
I go to work at 7am every day.

he, she, it
She goes to the beach in the morning.

Present Progressive
am going (goh-ing)
I am going to the beach today.

we, you, they
are going
They are going to the beach today.

he, she, it
is going
She is going to the beach.

Present                 Intensive
I, we, you, they
do go
I do go to the Dentist at least twice a year.

he, she, it
does go
He does go to the therapist every week.

I, he, she, it, we, you, they
will go
They will go to couple’s therapy.

I, he, she, it, we, you they
They went to couple’s therapy.
Past Progressive
I, he, she, it
was going
I was going to the game when the accident occurred.

we, you, they
were going
They were going to drive to Vegas.

Past Intensive
I, he, she, it, we, you, they
did go
They did go to Brazil last summer.

I, we, you, they
have gone
We have gone without food for two days.

he, she, it
has gone
She has gone to the same resort for ten years.

Past Perfect
I, he, she, it, we, you, they
had gone
They had gone to Europe before.

Future Perfect
I, he, she, it, we, you, they
will have gone
By Tuesday, I will have gone by bus.

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