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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Scientific, Computer, Biology, Physics terms with Chinese translations

Scientific, Computer, Biology, Physics terms with Chinese translations

Air空气Kōngqì (ahyr)(n.) (gases forming the atmosphere)
Arch()(Gǒng)(ahrch)adj. a curved masonry construction for spanning an opening
Balance(平衡)(Pínghéng) (n.) (bal-uh-ns) (equilibrium)
Beam(光束)(Guāngshù) (n.) (beem)length of material used as support
Catapult(弹射)(Tánshè) (n.) (kat-uh-pult-poolt)) implement for shooting weapon
Center of Gravity(重心)Zhòngxīn (n.) (point of balance)
Compression(压缩)(Yāsuō) (n.) (kuhm-presh-uhn) (in internal-combustion engines)
the reduction in volume and increase of pressure of the air or combustible mixture in
the cylinder prior to ignition, produced by the motion of the piston toward the cylinder
head after intake.
Dissection(解剖)(Jiěpōu) (n.) (dih-sek-shuhn) cutting up a dead animal
DNA(n.) (deoxyribonucleic acid) 脱氧核糖核酸Tuōyǎng hétáng hésuān
Wind Drag(风拖动) (Fēng tuō dòng) (resistance to the movement of a hull through
the water).
Erosion()(Qīnshí) (n.) (ih-roh-zhuhn)- deterioration; wearing away
Eye()Yǎn (n.) (ahy)-the organ of sight
Fingerprint()Zhǐwén (n.) (fing-ger-print) an impression caused by the markings of the fingers
Friction(摩擦)(Mócā) (n.) (frik-shuhn) rubbing
Gravity((重力)(Zhònglì) (n.) grav-i-tee) force of attraction
Kinetic Energy(动能) Dòngnéng (adj) (pertaining to motion) = ½ one half mass times velocity squared
Lift(电梯) (Diàntī) upward from the ground (hoist)
Potential(潜在)Qiánzài (puh-ten-shuh) =(mgh) (potential. Electricity. (at any point in an
electric field) the work done per unit charge in moving an infinitesimal point charge from
a common reference point to the given point. Symbol: V.
Pressure(压力)Yālì (presh-er): the exertion of force upon a surface by an object.
Tension(张力) Zhānglì (n.) (ten-shuh n) the act of stretching or straining.
Thermometer (温度)Wēndùjì; (ther-mom-i-ter) an instrument for measuring
temperature, often a sealed glass tube that contains a column of liquid, as mercury,
that expands and contracts, or rises and falls, with temperature changes, the
temperature being read where the top of the column coincides with a calibrated scale
marked on the tube or its frame.
Thrust(推力) Tuīlì (thruhst)(n.,v.) to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force:
Tornado (龙卷风)Lóngjuǎnfēng (tawr-ney-doh) a localized, violently destructive
windstorm occurring over land, especially in the Middle West, and characterized by a
long, funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground and made visible by
condensation and debris.          
Truss(桁架)Héngjià (truhs) Civil Engineering, Building Trades. any of various structural frames based on the geometric rigidity of the triangle and composed of straight members subject only to longitudinal compression, tension, or both: functions as a beam or cantilever to support bridges, roofs, etc.
any of various structural frames constructed on principles other than the geometric rigidity of the triangle or deriving stability from other factors, as the rigidity of joints, the abutment of masonry, or the stiffness of beams.
Wind:风: Fēng: air in natural motion, as that moving horizontally at any velocity
along the earth's surface.

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